Elaboration of comprehensive financial statements
Processing comprehensive financial statements is a standard service, provided by most accounting companies. Before definitively sending the statement of finances to the tax authorities, we offer our clients a possibility to consult particular lines and their content, we explain them their merit and impact on e.g. a loan or leasing confirmation etc.
How to choose an accounting company for processing a comprehensive statement of finances?
1. The accounting company has to have sufficient practice and knowledge.
• VELOX has operated on the market for more than 10 years, particularly since 2009, and is a certifed auditing company registered on the list of auditing companies in the Slovak Republic.
2. A company, which processes your statement of finances, has to be insured against liability for harm.
• VELOX has an insurance against liability for caused harms up till € 100 000.
3. References.
• All references at our website are real and you can verify them.
Do not underestimate the choice of a quality accounting company. Read the short text about why everyone can offer accounting services in Slovakia.

Provided services
- elaboration of primary documents pursuant to the accounting procedures for single-entry bookkeeping
- factual and formal review of presented documents
- examination of tax justification of costs
- conducting requested books and evidence
- tax optimalization
- continuous advisorry and consultations